



Gino De Stefani A few titles
After all the words made and written, here is a sequence of more or less recent life photographs, here is a sequence, in a totally random order, of songs written for many great artists, perhaps significant but obviously incomplete: the order and the archiving have never been my strong point, for the great constant pissing off of those who live next to me ... internet in this sense could be of help to those who want to know more ...




Domenico Modugno – “Io vivo qui” (Sanremo 1983, guest of honor).


Sergio Dalma – “Una historia distinta” (Viña Del Mar 1993, album "Adivina", 1992),

“Yo siempre de ti”, “A tu lad” (album “Cuerpo a cuerpo”, 1995 and “En Concierto”,

1996): the first two tracks, have become his “classics” always present in his live

repertoire, and sales exceeded 2 million albums.


Albano and Romina – “Felicità” (Sanremo 1982, runner-up). The SIAE has

awarded “Felicità” as the best-selling Italian song in the period from 1982 to 1987

and it is for my good fortune and joy one of the most famous Italian songs in the



Raffaella Carrà – “Vuol dire crescere” (soundtrack for “Sogni” 2004 edition, lyrics

by Antonello Venditti).


Ricardo Montaner – “Para un poco” (first single of the album “Las cosas son

como son”, 2009), “Son amores” (same album), n.1 in the entire South America.

“Para un poco” in 2009 was nominated for the Latin Grammy.


Laura Pausini – “Incancellabile” “Le cose che vivi” (album “Le cose che vivi”, 1996,

published in over 35 countries around the world. It is the best-selling album to

date by Pausini: over 5 million copies sold. “Le cose che vivi” won the ASCAP


1998 as one of the most successful songs of that period. “Per vivere, Ricordami”

(album “Tra te e il mare”, 1998).


Ricchi e Poveri – “Poveri” (album “Mamma Maria”, 1982).


Mijares – “Amor desperticiado”, “Veneno” (album “No me se acaba el alma” 2014).


Dori Ghezzi – “Buongiorno”, “Anni Fa” (album “Mamadodori”, 1980).


Fiorello – “Colpa Mia” (album “Saro Fiorello”, 1997), and the songs of the soundtrack of “Johan Padan alla descoverta de le Americhe” (2001).


Loredana Bertè – “Agguato a Casablanca” (album “Bandaberté”, 1981).


Cristina D' Avena – “Mary e il Giardino dei Misteri” (soundtrack of the successful cartoon series , 1995).


Barbara Cola – “Libera” (single of the album “Barbara Cola”, produced by Gianni Morandi, 1995).


Trijntie Oosterhuis – “Blind” (album “Trijntie Oosterhuis” n.1 in Holland, 2003).


Natalia Estrada – “Oilì oilà” (“Quiero cantar” over 400.000 copies, 1998).


Paola Folli – “Lovin’ you”, “Se ci sarai” (album “Ascoltami”, 1998), and the songs on the soundtrack of “Johan Padan alla descoverta de le Americhe” (2001).


Ragazzi - "Siempre te amare” (album “Libre”, n. 1 in Mexico and Venezuela, 1998).


Grace – “Get it on” (album “Grace”, n.1 in Norway, 1998).


Jan – “Sola tu, solo yo” (album “Acariciame el alma” 1999, n. 1 in Mexico).


The albums Mohicans (2002), Mohicans chapter 2 (2003), Celtic Angels (2004) and Soul Africa (2007), with the Edel label. These albums explored the universe of ethnic music, with excellent results worldwide.
Mohicans was the Edel album of                                                                                       the year in 2002/2003, released in about 30 countries and climbing “distant”                                                                                     charts, such as the Philippines and Far East Asia.


                                                                                The Soundtrack of the animated film “Johan Padan a la descoverta de le                                                                                            Americhe”(2001), based on a play by Dario Fo, produced and directed by                                                                                            Greenmovie and Progetto Immagine.


                                                                                In the period between 2004 and 2005, there were great moments of fun with                                                                                    the songs of the mouse Geronimo Stilton, literary phenomenon for children,                                                                                  and, subsequently, the Christmas’ songs album of 2004, starring the mouse                                                                                      Geronimo, to the joy of many children.


                                                                                In 2017 I wrote, with Fabio Perversi, the music for the Musical "Figliol                                                                                                Prodigo", directed by Isa Biffi, at the suggestion and inspiration of Pope                                                                                            Francesco: a project of great social commitment, with the participation of                                                                                          detainees in the prison of Opera.

                                                                                For me a great lesson in life, for the boys of the prison a great moment of                                                                                          redemption and desire to start again on the right side of the path of life.


                                                                                I have also collaborated with Greenmovie (1999-2010), with whom, besides                                                                                      the albums with Edel and Dario Fo’s movie, was made music for television and                                                                                  radio commercials.


                                                                                Here are a few: kinder Ferrero, Honda, Rotoloni Regina, Limonce', Rum                                                                                        Pampero, Findus, Tele Due, Chevrolet Matiz, Enel, Brioschi, Pirelli,                                                                                                Regione Calabria, Pocket Coffee, Carmencita Lavazza, Cornetto Algida,                                                                                      Parmalat,Toyota, Lovable, Maalox...

                                                                                I confess that in that period we made so many that I'm forgetting at least a                                                                                        few hundred, just because I'm "beautiful and messy" ...... but that's how it                                                                                          goes!


I have studied guitar with Maestro Filippo Daccò, one of the most amazing person I have ever met, a person who influenced deeply and positively my life; during the studying period, and for the rest of my life, in addition to the teacher-pupil relationship, we created an intense father-son relationship and I will always be grateful to him for this. I graduated with him in Functional Harmony.

In recent years I studied with my brother-friend Maestro Massimo Colombo, who, poor him, sacrificed himself to try to improve my non-existent piano technique... the craziest thing is that he succeeded, even if there were some difficulties, and we made amazing progress: great satisfaction, both for him, who saw his efforts rewarded (although not totally... I'm not Bill Evans...), and for me; however, I must admit I worked my ass off…. and allow me to joke, with great joy for the wallet of the osteopath who sometimes withdrew me "straight", given the long hours spent bending over the piano ...


I can also add to the list Main Harmony, Counterpoint and Orchestration, real joy of all the way of this life… Next, we’ll see, maybe I reborn as “stone” on the third planet to the left of Betelgeuse, in the Constellation of Orion ...!!!

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